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Cachapuz donates 200 kg of goods

26 June, 2019

Caritas is one of the most well-known Charity Institutions with a presence in over 200 countries worldwide. With a strong connection to the Church, it wishes to answer to the most serious realities of poverty, social exclusion and emergency situations resulting from natural disasters.


The Archdiocesan Caritas of Braga comprises 14 dioceses in the low Minho. Its action involves the supply of foodstuffs (to 1386 families), social bathhouses (42 beneficiaries – 600 baths a year), a social canteen (60 beneficiaries – 45 meals a day), social wardrobes ( 25,000 pieces of clothing), students support (16 PALOPs and Portuguese), psycho-social and educational support (35 attended people) and disease support (85 families covered with medications, trips to IPO, hospital medical equipment, …) and domestic violence victims (35 cases only in Braga).


We are aware that Caritas is currently one of the charities facing the major difficulties.


Cachapuz has contributed with more than 200kg of donations of goods (clothing for children, men and toys) and foodstuffs at Christmas 2012.