Our History
Weighing in Portugal for over three centuries
Leading the weighing market, Cachapuz has centuries-old roots and a long path marked by a desire to innovate and introduce state-of-the-art solutions. It is the oldest Portuguese company in the weighing sector, a path marked by many historical milestones in this sector, which have contributed for its leadership.
The weight of a heritage of excellence
With vast experience, first as a trader and then as a manufacturer, Cachapuz currently offers diversified equipment and solutions for automating weighing logistics processes, covering every sector of activity. This offer is supplemented by renowned excellency and precision service.
The name Cachapuz is 4 centuries-old (its name dates to 1694, there are documents to support this), having started its activity as ‘Casa do Antigo Cachapuz’ [House of the Old Cachapuz], a reference to that ancestry, dedicated to the sale of ‘cutlery, weapons and scales’ and a ‘bold’ venture in goods import! It initiated its industrial activity in 1920, building wooden decimal scales, and in 1934, it constructed its first weighbridge.
It is, without any doubt, a name with history.
Case of Management - University of Minho.
BEFA Awards - Best Business Culture and Best CEO of the Year.
Company Ambassador of Braga.
1st donating company of Braga's Blood Bank.
Installation of the weighing system for stages SRC at Casa da Música.
New management Cachapuz - Graça Cunha Coelho
SLV Tomato.
TOP Exporta.
Award of Excelence at work in the category of medium-sized enterprise in the sector of industry and energy awarded by Heidrick & Struggles in partnership with Económico and INDEG-ISCTE Business School.
Remodeling of facilities.
New Identity Cachapuz.
Group Bilanciai acquires
Cachapuz's total capital.
Beginning of the SLV Cement supply to India.
Finalist of the IBJ Awards 2009 with the SLV Platform solution.
Hono Award for the SPAR Solution.
Primavera and Microsoft Certified Partner.
Integration in the network of Innovative PME's of COTEC Portugal.
Founding member of "Centro de Excelência em Desmaterialização de Transações".
Founding member of "Polo de Software do Minho".
Change of facilities from Ferreiros to Parque Industrial da Sobreposta, Braga.
Production of first digital weighbridge.
Change of company name to "Cachapuz - Equipamentos para pesagem, Lda."
Cachapuz's logo evolution.
Bilanciai Group buys part of Cachapuz's capital.
Evolution of the Cachapuz's installations.
Implementation of the quality system in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9002 standards.
C93: first self-service for cement loading of proprietary architecture.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's sales.
Cachapuz's logo evolution.
Supply of check-in scales to the national airport.
AGRO participation.
Supply of electronic scales for all the CTT (postal services) counters.
Evolution of the installations.
First electronic weighing readers with national technology developed in cooperation with Universidade do Minho.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's sales.
Beginning of electronic age in Cachapuz: development production of the first electronic scale in Portugal.
Cachapuz participation in AGRO.
Livestock R10 scale.
Automatic scale D5 model.
Automatic scale C31 model.
Automatic scale PT10C30 model.
Automatic scale D3 model.
CPF430 terminal with pre-indication for cement loading.
Cachapuz in Arab as a result of its internationalization process.
Cachapuz's logo evolution.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's sales.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's sales.
Counting and weighing scale.
FB piece-counter scale.
Export of 30 weighbridges to Cuba.
Evolution of the installations.
Participation in AGRO.
Cachapuz participation in AGRO.
Roman scales for counting and weighing, 420/R4.
Installation of a surface mounted weighbridge.
Cachapuz's logo evolution.
Innovation presented to the market: weighing device and anti-theft security device.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's products.
Scale installed in the CF of Valencia.
Scales diversity: baby weighing.
Scales diversity: adult weighing.
Change of facilities from Rua dos Chãos , 92 to Veiga de Seixas, Ferreiros, Braga.
Extension of the brand registry is the former provinces of Angola e Mozambique.
Mechanisms developed to "control and defend" the customers' business.
Development of devices to "control and protect" the customer's interest's.
Proximate scales R4.
Proximate scales R11.
Proximate scales R3-CM e R3.
Scale for cotton bales weighing for Mozambique.
Company's registration as José Duarte Rodrigues, Lda.
Cachapuz's former workers on a stroll in Bom Jesus, Braga.
Importance of communication for the Cachapuz's sales.
Shards weighing scales.
Livestock scales.
R11: scales for wineries.
Beginning of the export activity to former Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique.
Granting of the licence to operate a locksmith shop.
Proximate scale R2 in iron.
Roman reading device.
Accuracy and robustress of railway weighbridge.
Cachapuz's logo evolution.
Registration of Cachapuz trademark in the name of José Duarte Rodrigues.
First Cachapuz weighbridge.
Roman reading device.
Accuracy and robustress of Cachapuz.
R2 proximate scale in wood and iron with suspension.
Decimal R1 scale in wood.
Activity beginning of José Duarte Gomes.
Rua dos Chãos "Casa do Antigo Cachapuz”.
Publication of the company Cachapuz in the "Almanak Braga". Sales of hardware, cuttery, guns and scales.