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Action against Obesity has surpassed the preset expectations

26 May, 2014

Last Saturday, May 24, the action ‘What is the weight of your weight?’ took place at “Campo da Vinha” under the responsibility Cachapuz company, as part of the National Day of the Fight Against Obesity.


Between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Cachapuz provided a suitably space equipped to conduct free health testing, informational flyers were distributed and fruit salads were offered, promoting a healthy environment to all of those participating.


By establishing a partnership with NaturalismoThe Institute for Health and Beauty, Cachapuz provided a free health test, specifically a weighing of the population. Under the professional look of the institute’s technicians, participants performed a brief diagnosis of their weight that resulted in personalized advice on the health state of the participants as well as in counselling in terms of food precautions, the need of physical exercise, among others. At the end of the diagnosis fresh fruit salad was offered leading people to the awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet.


The objective of this campaign was to raise awareness and highlighting the causes and consequences of obesity, prompting for the need to follow a healthy food ‘education’. Adhesion of people exceeded expectations and nearly 100health tests have been made and 500 fruit salads were distributed.


It was a practical and high interest opportunity for the participants since it helped them to obtain some answers and to get information about a disease that affects and worries so many. This action ended with a sense of a fulfilled purpose.


This campaign shows that Cachapuz established itself as a driving force to create partnerships with some of the entities of Braga, namely the Câmara Municipal de Braga, Institute for Health and Beauty Naturalismo and Cavagri.