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“Awake your passion for sales”

30 March, 2015

On April, the 23rdCachapuz, will participate in the 7th National Congress of Motivation and Commercial Performance, organized by the company Ideias & Desafios in Braga, in order to stimulate the innovation and qualification of its services.


This annual initiative by Ideias & Desafios has shown to be a successful example. Through real cases and concrete ideas presented by different speakers, this theme will be addressed based on the premise “Passion for sales”
In the six previous editions, a total of over 4000 companies from different activity sectors, were present. On average, each edition has relied on the presence of nearly 400 participants ranging from managers, decision-makers, directors, among others.


This congress is a clinking moment to reflect over what is good and not so good in the company departments. Those present may take ideas and formulas to enhance their commercial performance, stimulate the productivity of their team, improve interpersonal relations, and find strategies and routes in order to face constant challenges. Beyond that it is clearly one excellent opportunity to do networking as influencers and decision makers of the most diverse national companies as well international ones will be there.


Cachapuz makes a strong investment on the training of its team in order to provide an increasingly more qualified service, with the most adequate strategies for the client needs.


We invite you to do the same!


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